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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

1058 Warrant 34

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
1058 Warrant 34
View SlideShare document or Upload your own. (tags: eminent domainwarrantsquiet)

Monday, December 22, 2008

Open Letter to MN AG DFL Lori Swanson

Alliance for a Better Minnesota Sharon Anderson's Blog: Open Letter to Lori Swanson_Please update AG Site

Affiant Sharon Scarrella Anderson has run for State AG_MN since 1982 in each and every election, to implement now E-Commerce, pdf,SlideShare,Scribd files must File 2010 to make the Office Accountable to the Public

Open Letter to Lori Swanson_Please update AG Site

Sat 13Dec08 Open Letter to Lori Swanson http://www.ag.state.mn.us/ attorney.general@state.mn.us and Chief Justice eric.magnuson@courts.state.mn.us

MN Supreme Court MS2.724 http://www.mncourts.gov/ to implement immediate E-Commerce for Public Scrunity,

Because no one is above the Law. Separation of Powers Doctrine, Constitutionality of County and State Canvass Boards MS204D.27,31 Canvass Board Statute MN - Google Search State Canvass Board MN - Google Search http://www.sos.state.mn.us/docs/statewide_general_election_canvassing_board.pdfs/docs/statewide_general_election_canvassing_board.pdf

Please update the AG State Supported Website. As a Republican Candidate against the Office, Self Taught to implement E-Commerce, with the Drivers to print pdf files.

The Current Canvass Board Opinion is not to be found. Your Agent Charles Fergerson and Sol.General apparantly Alan Gilbert, refuse my FOIA Request to know who your webmaster is, where are the pdfbriefs, files of any all lawsuits filed by your Office:? Denied Why For 10 years now E-Commerce must be implemented.http://www.angelfire.com/mn3/andersonadvocates/PDFedem2006/file6.pdf

Great Example is the Illinois AG Lisa Madigen

Illinois Attorney General Home Page

People of the State of Illinois v.
Rod Blagojevich, Governor of Illinois

Brief PDF Document

Motion For TRO PDF Document

Supporting Record TRO PDF Document

Friday, December 12, 2008

Judicial Watch

December 12, 2008

From the Desk of Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton:


Blagojevich Scandal is Obama’s Scandal

THEREFORE: PLEASE GRANT OUR REQUEST TO IMPLEMENT e-commerce: AG's Briefs in pdf format in this high tech age.

Further produce re: FOIA request your Canvass Board Opinion

Thank You /s/SharonScarrellaAnderson ECF_P165913_sa1299 "Sharon is not a Liar or Lawyer" Loves Minnesota, SA Political3885

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