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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Gearins Unallotment Order 62cv09-11693_Sharons RICO Tax 62cv09-1163 (Vandenorth)

On the Graves of Tenants in Common Affiant Sharon Scarrella Anderson aka Peterson
Multiple Parties v. Governor of MN, et al2009 Unallotment Litigation
Multiple Parties v. Governor of MN, et al

2009 Unallotment Litigation:

Multiple Parties v. Governor of MN, et al


December 30, 2009
Motion for Temporary Restraining Order - Granted retroactive to 11/1/2009 - See Document
Amended Order - See Document

November 23, 2009
Affidavit of Service - See Document

November 20, 2009
Briefs - See Document
Affidavit - Other with Exhibits - See Document

November 17, 2009
Affidavit of Service - See Document

November 16, 2009
Plaintiffs Reply Memo in Support of TRO - See Document
Amended Class Action Complaint - See Document

November 12, 2009
Affidavit of Service - See Document
Affidavit Other with Exhibits MO - See Document
Affidavit Other with Exhibits PR = See Document
Defendants Notice of Motion and Motion to Dismiss - See Document
Defendants Memo. in Opposition to Plaintiffs Motion for TRO - See Document
Defendants Certifcate of Representation - See Document

November 6, 2009
Affidavit of Service - See Document
Affidavit of Service - See Document
Notice of Motion and Motion for Temproary Restraining Order See Document
Memorandum in Support of Plaintiffs Motion for Temporary Restraining Order See Document

November 3, 2009

Affidavit of Service - See Document
Summons and Complaint - See Document
Certificate of Representation and Parties See Document

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Register Of Actions
Case No. 62-CV-09-11693
Deanna Brayton, Darlene Bullock, Forough Mahabady, Debra Branley, Marlene Griffin and Evelyn Bernhagen on behalf of themselves and all others similiarly situated vs Tim Pawlenty, Governor of the State of Minnesota, Thomas Hanson, Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Management and Budget, Cal Ludeman, Minnesota Department of Human Services, and Ward Einess, Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Revenue§
Case Type:Civil Other/Misc.
Date Filed:11/03/2009
Location:Ramsey Civil
Party Information
Lead Attorneys
Commissioner Minnesota Department of Revenue
ST. PAUL, MN 55146-7100
Hanson, Thomas
Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Management and Budget
Ludeman, Cal
Minnesota Department of Human Services
St Paul, MN 55155
Pawlenty, Tim
Governor of the State of Minnesota
Interested Observor
Minnesota House of Representatives
St Paul, MN 55155-1298
Pro Se
Bernhagen, Evelyn
Coon Rapids, MN 55433
Branley, Debra
Duluth, MN 55806
Brayton, Deanna
Coon Rapids, MN 55433
Bullock, Darlene
Griffin, Marlene
Mahabady, Forough
Corcoran, MN 55340
Events & Orders of the Court
11/03/2009Affidavit for Proceeding In Forma Pauperis
11/03/2009Affidavit for Proceeding In Forma Pauperis
11/03/2009Affidavit for Proceeding In Forma Pauperis
11/03/2009Affidavit for Proceeding In Forma Pauperis
11/03/2009Affidavit for Proceeding In Forma Pauperis
11/03/2009Affidavit for Proceeding In Forma Pauperis
11/03/2009Order for Proceeding In Forma Pauperis
11/03/2009Order for Proceeding In Forma Pauperis
11/03/2009Order for Proceeding In Forma Pauperis
11/03/2009Order for Proceeding In Forma Pauperis
11/03/2009Order for Proceeding In Forma Pauperis
11/03/2009Order for Proceeding In Forma Pauperis
11/03/2009Summons and Complaint
11/03/2009Affidavit of Service
11/03/2009Certificate of Representation
11/03/2009Notice of Case Assignment
11/06/2009Affidavit of Service
11/06/2009Affidavit of Service
11/12/2009Notice of Motion and Motion
11/12/2009Certificate of Representation
11/12/2009Affidavit of Service
11/16/2009Temporary Restraining Order Hearing (10:00 AM)
11/12/2009Reset by Court to 11/16/2009
Result: Held
11/16/2009Taken Under Advisement
11/17/2009Affidavit of Service
11/23/2009Affidavit of Service
11/24/2009Publicly Viewable Note to File
03/12/2010Motion Hearing (1:30 PM)
02/08/2010Reset by Court to 03/01/2010
03/01/2010Reset by Court to 03/12/2010
Financial Information
Interested Observor Minnesota House of Representatives
Total Financial Assessment320.00
Total Payments and Credits320.00
Balance Due as of 12/31/20090.00
11/20/2009Transaction Assessment320.00
11/20/2009Counter PaymentReceipt # CV62-2009-20511Mark I Shepard o/b/o Minnesota House of Representatives(320.00)
Plaintiff Brayton, Deanna
Total Financial Assessment320.00
Total Payments and Credits320.00
Balance Due as of 12/31/20090.00
11/03/2009Transaction Assessment320.00
11/03/2009Credit/In Forma Pauperis(320.00)
Ramsey Dist. File 62cv09-11693 from http://www.mncourts.gov/ not in pdf format

Sunday, November 8, 2009


SAWater -A06-1150 AffidavitPrejudice Kathleen Gearin Judge


MN Courts www.mncourts.gov Re: Ramsey Dist.Crt. 62cv09-1163 2008 697 Sur reyTax ThreatJudge VandeNorth SharonScarrellaAnderson Attorney Pro Se Appeals based on Fraud,Abuse of Disgression Judges As Criminals? Financial Institution Recovery Reform Enforcement Act – Google Financial Institution Anti Fraud Enforcement Act – Google Regulation Z – Google SearchSearchSearchhttp://taxthemax.blogspot.com All Files @ www.slideshare.net/sharon4anderson and www.scribd.com/sharon4anderson MS 363AHumanRights Forfeiture Cars etc. Trilogy Impeach1992 35 Copaitkbgs ALL DOCUMENTS 76 total to Sat.7Nov09 Sharon Anderson’s Presentations on SlideShare

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Delinquent Real Property Taxes for 2008 EastSideRevies DelTaxesI_73pgs pg.53Forfeiture Cars etc.42 USC 3631 MS555DeclaratoryJudgmentAct§
Case Type:Administrative File
Date Filed:02/12/2009
Location:Ramsey Civil
Judicial Officer:VanDeNorth, John B., Jr.


Events & Orders of the Court Sa 62cv09 1163 1 Apr09
02/12/2009Closed administratively
09/10/2009Judgment (Judicial Officer: VanDeNorth, John B., Jr.) http://www.slideshare.net/Sharon4Anderson/62cv091163vandenorthsumjudg8sept09
Sa 62cv09 1163 1 Apr09
02/12/2009Notice-Other http://www.slideshare.net/Sharon4Anderson/sa-tax-del62cv09-1163-18 pg.7 proof taxes pd $449.93 and $449.13
03/31/2009Affidavit for Proceeding In Forma Pauperis Sa Tax Del62cv09 1163 18 84
03/31/2009Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Lindman, Dale B. )
03/31/2009Affidavit-Other http://www.slideshare.net/Sharon4Anderson/sa-tax-del62cv09-1163-18-84-1252842
04/02/2009Other Document Sa Tax Del62cv09 1163 18 84
04/06/2009Affidavit of Service
04/06/2009Correspondence Sa 62cv09 1163 1 Apr09
04/06/2009Other Document Sa Affid Hud Hra Fair Ho45pdf
04/06/2009Other Document 435 – PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, OTHER PROCEEDINGS, 2009 Minnesota Statutes
04/06/2009Other DocumentTamar N. GronvallMNAG_DenyService did not serve all Parties,Refused Rule 24.04 Constitutionality of Fees/Assessments
04/07/2009Order to Remove (Judicial Officer: Johnson, Gregg E. )Dm 1399 23
04/09/2009Notice of Case Reassignment Edward Cleary
06/26/2009Affidavit of PublicationTamar N. GronvallMNAG_DenyService
06/26/2009Other Document
07/06/2009Publicly Viewable Note to File
07/15/2009Motion Sa62cv09 1163 Stephan Ans 15
07/15/2009Affidavit-Other Auditor Mark Oswald Affidavit 62cv09-1163
07/15/2009Affidavit-OtherSa 62cv09 1163 Aff Lynn Moser Dtd.8 Jul09 13
07/15/2009Affidavit of Service
08/10/2009Affidavit of Prejudice AffidavitPrejudice Kathleen Gearin Judge
08/12/2009Notice of Motion and MotionSharons FactFinding 62cv09-1163 Taxes/Elections
08/13/2009Other DocumentMotion to Continue 62cv09-1163Judge John Vandenorth
08/17/2009Motion http://www.slideshare.net/Sharon4Anderson/sharon4andersonwebnair-20aug09
08/19/2009Other Document SharonsSanction Attorneys_Fraud on Court pg26Sharons Letter Motion 62cv09-1163
08/20/2009Motion Summary Judgment

Result: Heldhttp://www.slideshare.net/Sharon4Anderson/62cv091163vandenorthsumjudg8sept09

09/09/2009Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order (Judicial Officer: VanDeNorth, John B., Jr. )
09/10/2009Notice of Entry of Judgment http://www.slideshare.net/Sharon4Anderson/62cv091163vandenorthsumjudg8sept09
09/11/2009Other Document
09/11/2009Other Document
09/14/2009Notice of Appeal
09/14/2009Other Document
09/14/2009Supplemental Affidavit for Proceeding In Forma Pauperis
09/15/2009Supplemental Affidavit for Proceeding In Forma Pauperis 15 Sept09 Ifp Implement ECF http://www.slideshare.net/Sharon4Anderson/sharonsifp62cv091163appeal 24pgs
09/18/2009Supplemental Order for Proceeding In Forma Pauperis (Judicial Officer: VanDeNorth, John B., Jr. )
09/18/2009Correspondence http://www.slideshare.net/Sharon4Anderson/sharonsifp62cv091163appeal 24pgs.
09/21/2009Affidavit of Service LetterMotionRequestCourtReporter ECF 36pgs
10/20/2009Sa Statement MNAppeal62cv09-1163Other Document
10/27/2009Notice of Appealhttp://www.slideshare.net/Sharon4Anderson/shariaaffidavitsappealricomarkoswald
10/30/2009Affidavit of Service

10/20/2009 SharonsFEES ASSESSMENTS_ROW ObjectsOther Document
10/27/2009 SharonsAppeal 62cv09-1163(VAndenorth)Notice of Appeal
10/30/2009 http://www.slideshare.net/Sharon4Anderson/shariaaffidavitsappealricomarkoswaldAffidavit of Service
11/02/2009 Sa Statement MNAppeal62cv09-1163Statement of Case
11/05/2009 Aff Ser4 Nov09 Ifp Tit18 6Affidavit-Other
11/02/2009Aff Ser4 Nov09 Ifp Tit18 6Statement of Case My Presentations on SlideShare

Sharon Anderson’s Documents on SlideShare

RElated Briefs:aff6apr07inditcoleman_20 1058 Warrant 34 St.Paul,MN Tax_ElectionAssessor MarkOswald Handbook for Electronic Filers VA-1345 Declaration for Electronic Filing VA-8453 sharon4anderson v. judge john vandenorth mn – Google Search

JURIST - Paper Chase: FBI charges 14 more in Galleon Group insider trading scandal

JURIST - Paper Ch ET

filed charges [press release] against 14 people in connection with insider trading at the hedge fund company Galleon Group [corporate website], weeks after the arrest [JURIST report] of the company's founder. An investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) [official website] allegedly revealed more than $20 million in illegal profits and led to criminal charges [charging documents] against hedge fund managers, analysts and lawyers involved in the scheme. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) [official website] also filed civil charges [complaint, PDF] against 13 individuals and companies alleging more than $33 million in illicit gains related to Galleon Group. Manhattan US Attorney Preet Bharara [official website] said that the charges showed the government's focus on white collar prosecution.

When we announced our first arrests three weeks ago, I said this case should be a wake-up call for Wall Street. Today the alarm bells have only grown louder. Over the last three weeks, we have charged 20 defendants with more than $40 million worth of alleged insider trading, and our investigation is ongoing. When criminal activity is your business model,

Photo source or description
[JURIST] Federal authorities have
ase: FBI charges 14 more in Galleon Group insider trading scandal

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Jim Erchul FightingForclosures_DaytonsBluff

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October 21, 2009 3:45 PM CST
Erchul fighting foreclosures in Dayton’s Bluff
by Frank Jossi Special to Finance and Commerce

Jim Erchul
Jim Erchul
Jim Erchul has only contempt for the architects of policies that created the avalanche of foreclosures smothering communities across the United States, like St. Paul’s Dayton’s Bluff.

“It was criminal,” declares Erchul, 53, executive director since 1990 of the affordable housing nonprofit, Dayton’s Bluff Neighborhood Housing Services (DBNHS).

“It wasn’t a case where they should have known better and didn’t. It was criminal. When you see houses with mortgages on them for $220,000 that are condemnable – come on, that’s fraud!”

Dayton’s Bluff sits on a high perch overlooking downtown St. Paul and the Mississippi River. The hardscrabble East Side neighborhood had been making some progress since the late 1990s as Victorians were being renovated, schools built and blocks once known for drug dealing were being stabilized.

But then the foreclosure mess hit, and now the neighborhood has hundreds of empty homes waiting for buyers, or for city crews to knock them down.

The Minnesota ZIP code with the highest number of foreclosed homes in the state is in North Minneapolis; the second-highest includes much of Dayton’s Bluff.

October 21, 2009 3:45 PM CST
Erchul fighting foreclosures in Dayton’s Bluff
by Frank Jossi Special to Finance and Commerce

And cleaning up the mess left by banks, Freddie and Fannie Mac and mortgage brokers is left in part to community development corporations like DBNHS.

The nonprofit provides a wide variety of services to homeowners and buyers in the neighborhood, from low-interest loans for repairs to rehabilitation loans. It builds new homes and rehabs others for sale to households with gross incomes of 80 percent or less than the median income.

DBNHS was founded in 1980 and since then has helped build or renovate 2,000 housing units and injected investments totaling $120 million into the area.

Since last October, Erchul’s agency has looked at more than 600 foreclosed homes and purchased 18 to renovate and sell to low-income buyers through a pilot program called “First Look.”

Sitting in his crowded office, Erchul pulls up an e-mail message from Bank of America that shows two houses in his coverage area that are available for him to look at – he gets one day to say whether he is interested, and does that after consulting with the city and other interested parties.

The First Look program is a national project put together by the Washington, D.C.-based National Community Stabilization Trust, a nonprofit formed in 2008. Some 100 communities around the country are piloting the program, including Minneapolis and St. Paul.

Lenders such as Bank of America, Wells Fargo and others work with Erchul by sending him daily e-mails listing homes available by ZIP code, along with a discounted price – thus the title “First Look.”

If Erchul likes what he sees he’ll have his appraiser take a look, and if it looks like a good deal he’ll buy it. Unfortunately, many homes on the East Side in foreclosure are probably not worth saving, he says. In those cases, the buyer of last resort – the city – purchases with demolition in mind rather than renovation.

Many such houses were badly built, stand on poor soil and are “condemnable.” To Erchul “there’s no economic reality in saving them.” He keeps an eye out for houses that can be saved and renovated for families and are not the kind of structures “the marketplace will take care of.”

First Look isn’t the only program helping Dayton’s Bluff. DBNHS received $1 million from the Pohlad Family Giving Foundation to assist homebuyers in purchasing homes. Under the guidelines, DBNHS can provide home buyers as much as $8,000 for down payments or closing or other costs, and in return they have to stay in the place for seven years.

The program has great appeal, especially when combined with the federal government’s $8,000 tax credit for homeowners (which, at least for now, ends Nov. 30). More than $400,000 has been distributed to East Side families. “It has gotten the market moving – it works pretty good,” he says.

Erchul works in an office stuffed with filing cabinets and mountains of paper on every available surface, a reminder of the complexity of building and renovating homes for low-income buyers. The government’s many programs have too many regulations, Erchul says, and the new administration seems to be adding even more; if he can cut a deal through a bank without any government intervention, Erchul will.

He seems to have been born to the job. The son of a schoolteacher and a restaurant manager, Erchul grew up on the Iron Range in Gilbert. He graduated from the University of Minnesota at Duluth in “social development” and then worked for community action agencies in Virginia and Duluth.

“This is what I wanted to do,” he explains. “What motivated me was my uncle, a shop teacher, was always getting involved in construction projects and I would work with him and my other uncles on those projects. Every year we had a project. And they were so cheap they made us save the nails and straighten them out.”

He made his way to the Twin Cities in 1990 to work at DBNHS. The challenges of today are a strange echo of that time, when the savings and loan crisis had begun to ebb. Back then all the mortgages in trouble were owned by FHA, making it much easier to get homes fixed up and back on to the market.

Today, about half the mortgages are owned by banks, the rest by Freddie Mac, which Erchul says is not fixing up any homes prior to their sales. “Who is going to pay for that eventually?” he asks. “The taxpayer.”

Although fixing up foreclosed houses is a priority, it’s not the only mission of DBNHS. The organization built brownstones on Swede Hollow and apartments on Bates and Surrey avenues. It fostered “Homes To Learning,” a novel project offering low-income families that often move during the school year a chance to rent an affordable place next a local elementary school. DBNHS also works in Washington and Dakota counties.

Sheryl Pemberton-Hoiby, project manager with the city’s department of Planning and Economic Development, says DBNHS works with a tight group of nonprofits on the East Side. The nonprofits often bring to the table foundation partners and relationships with national housing organizations.

Pemberton-Hoiby has seen Erchul doing his thing for years and appreciates his expertise, access to resources and work with the city on programs like Homes for Learning. “It’s taken him a long time to build up that kind of expertise, and it is rare,” she says.

Although the East Side and other parts of the city will continue to struggle with foreclosures for at least another year, according to experts, the city sees this as an “opportunity” to upgrade the neighborhood and create more sustainable developments and redevelopments “to bring the East Side into the 21st century,” Pemberton-Hoiby says.

When Erchul goes home at night he travels to the West Bank, where he lives with his wife, Jennifer Blevins, who directs the Brian Coyne Center in the same neighborhood. Considering the problems of the West Bank’s minority communities, he says his job is cushy.

“My job is easy compared to hers,” Erchul says.

Jim Erchul
Jim Erchul

Sharon Anderson10 22, 2009 at 10:59 AM

" Great Article re: http://www.taxthemax.blogspot.com/

697 Surrey at Issue with 3,thous others find doc's at http://www.sharonanderson.wordpress.com/

Go to Item 21 City Council Agenda Wed.21Oct09 pg 4 Maps of the Recovery Zone, tys right into your article Thanks working on Appeal, the City Steals Cars, then Ratifys Illegal Fees/Assessments/ROW placed on property taxes with 12% interest, creating yet another Forclosure http://sharon4mayor2010.blogspot.com/

and http://www.sharonanderson.org/


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