Thanks to Barb Winn Facebook Notices: the Debates: Disclaimer: the League has arbitrarily DENIED_EXCLUSION of Selective Candidates for AG,Gov, others even tho on the 2Nov2010 Ballot. The Public has the Right to have ALL Candidates Debates.
Barbara Winn Here is the link to the Ramsey County Attorney debate that took place in St. Paul, last week. David Schultz is a superb candidate who brings a wealth of legal and courtroom experience to the table, as you will see in the video!
Barbara Winn Ok...the Ramsey County Sheriff's race is getting really interesting. To put the attached article in context, I'll list the cast of characters under the link.
Sharon Anderson via Barbara Winn: Ramsey Co. Attorneys also www.sharon4anderson.blogspot.c om for David Hoch4MNAG
CTV North Suburbs - Community Tel Share Saw Jessie on Nat. TV a few min.ago I do agree with Jessie to Abolish the Party System Hopefully Bill Dahn will not make a Mockery of the Ind. Party at the AG Debate 16Oct2010
By helping others similarily situated we help the Public TRUST4TRUTH
Horner will split the Republican Vote and Dayton will Win?
Leslie check out Linda Enos4Gov
Ventrua has moved on in a BIG WAY re: 9:11 Please view David Hoch Video Apparantly Dave Hoch has a Lawsuit in the works against the State re: Indian Gaming.,26637&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=David+Hoch+4+MN+AG&cp=18&pf=p&sclient=psy&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=David+Hoch+4+MN+AG&gs_rfai=&pbx=1&fp=eb9296d7465e28c1
In a message dated 10/13/2010 9:33:43 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
If listening to Dayton, Horner and Emmer doesn't make you feelill and hopeless for the future, listen to Pawlenty and Bachman.The reporting on the Governor's race is designed to skew theVideos for jesse ventura
Jesse Ventura on "The big idea"
10 min - Dec 21, 2006
Uploaded by Ravenhawk253
Jesse Ventura: You Give Me a Water Board, Dick ...
4 min - May 11, 2009
Uploaded by heathr456
youtube.comresults of the election to please the media bosses of whicheverentity the reporter works for. If it's Hubbard and Hauser theywant to make certain that Leslie Davis never gets heard. If it'sLopez and company at the Star Tribune they strongly supportMark Dayton for some reasoning beyond human comprehensionand they don't want to allow Davis to get at Dayton because he woulddemolish the poor millionaire who will soon load their coffers with ads.Hauser is given his marching orders by Hubbard and he must conformor be fired. His orders are to avoid mentioning the name Leslie Davis.According to Mr. Glass of the AP, Davis doesn't have enoughmoney to win and since he doesn't have enough money Glass hasordered Brian Bakst not to even mention his name. Not one word.Since the media decided that Davis can't win they will deprive the publicof knowing about "The Davis Money Plan" that could solve our
Disclaimer: Sharon Scarrella Anderson is appalled that Elections are Controlled by Non_Profits and Political Partys to deny the Average Voter the TRUST4TRUTH.