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Friday, September 24, 2010

Sharon4MNAG_QuiTam_Election of Judges_AG_2010

Disclaimer at all times Material Affiant Sharon Anderson aka Scarrella aka Peterson_Chergosky has Forensic Files: Has never been convicted of any Crime: Sharons Scrunity must expose the Ponzi_Schemes in the CitySt.Paul,CountyRamsey re: Elections/Taxes.
re: Current Files 62cv090-1163(Vandenorth) 62cv10-112
To the Hon. Sec.State Mark Ritchie:
Thanks You as Sharon in Good Faith filed the Affidavit for Write In Candidate for State Attorney General.
This e-mail notice is to Challenge the Elections of certain Judges: Wilful neglience to file with Court Orders
the Form to eliminate their Residence's Contact.
If in Fact Judges and County Attorneys are exempt from Disclosure for Public Preview
then Affiant must Challenge, if the public in the Elections of Judges have the Right to know if Judges pay their fair share of income tax, property taxes etc.
Sharon has charged Kathleen Gearin for years , Embellezment over $110 thous Equity in Sharon Homestead at 1058 Summit Ave. St.Paul, MN 55105
specifically DFL Kathleen Gearin, Joanne Smith,Salvador Rosas,Cleary in Ramsey Co and Aitkin and Itaska Co's also the involvement of former City Attorney John Choi Candidate for Ramsey Co. Attorney.
and State and Ramsey Co. Canvass Boards.
The RICO Criminal Conduct is that if Mark Oswald can manulipate Tax Records, Commit Bank and Wire Fraud, Mail Fraud then his Ethic's on the County Canvass Board is at Risk.
Lesbian Judge Kathleen SCAP on the Graves of Tenants in Common at 1058 Summit, triggering the 1 yr. Commitment of Sharons 2nd Husband Cpl Jim Anderson without Quiet Titles_ Judge Kathleen Gearin apparantly Embellized over $110,000.xx of our Paid for HOMESTEAD triggering Death,Disabilitys,Disparagment of Titles "takings" without Just Compensation 1982_1988 up to and including 2010 Sharons Realstate. 12 Propertys inclusive
Today in talking to Mark Oswald 651-266-2195 Fax: 651-266-2022
transferred from his Secretary Kris Kuefler "they" are not Learned in Beta Programs or the affect thereof:
However Oswald was entrapped in complicit behavior when Sharon Affiant mentioned the "Lesbian" Judges Joanne Smith and Kathleen Gearin.
Oswald fell off the WALL, and refused to answer if he made a deal with the Tax Delinquency 2009 of Kathleen Gearin......... at 27 St.Albans Apt (6) with Full HS............. Oswald's "Mockery" and the Takings against Disabled Candidates for State Attorney General must trigger not only the Candidacy's of certain Judges specifically Kathleen Gearin for Major Ponzi Schemes by Unpublished "Opinions" acting in concort with "Auditor" Mark Oswald.
Oswald stated he had no knowledge of who Lou McKenna is/was Whatever.
Specifically Judge Kathleen Gearin who currently is Tax Delinquent on her property at 2X St. Albans, St.Paul,MN55104 JUDGE -2ND DISTRICT ... and appealable from there to randomly selected panels of 27 (with one spare). ...
www.slideshare.net/.../cfakepathsharon-lts-gildea-4-aug10 - Cached
September 24, 2010
On page 20 http://rrinfo.co.ramsey.mn.us/public/characteristic/HistTaxValueStmt.asp?pin=022823410142&it=1&year=2010&seq=1
2009 2,660.59

PIN (Property ID#) Number Street Address City 27St Albans St S #6St. Paul

From: Sharon4Anderson@aol.com
To: chris.samuel@co.ramsey.mn.us, fred.grittner@courts.state.mn.us, edward.toussaint@courts.state.mn.us, rca@co.ramsey.mn.us, jean.stepan@co.ramsey.mn.us, john.edison@co.ramsey.mn.us, mike@mnccc.org, elections@co.ramsey.mn.us, mike.peterson@co.winona.mn.us, sandi.schnorenberg@ci.mankato.mn.us, debi.diestler@ci.fergusfalls.mn.us, judy.hiller@co.waseca.mn.us, dan.whitman@co.martin.mn.us, mark.anderson@co.winona.mn.us, john.thompson@co.fairbault.mn.us, dayle.moore@co.nicollet.mn.us, paul.beaumaster@co.rice.mn.us, larry.dease@courts.state.mn.us, whistleblower@startribune.com, info@westsidechschs.org, info@whistleblowers.org, Julie.Kleinschmidt@co.ramsey.mn.us, j.p.barone@state.mn.us, victoria.reinhart@co.rmsey.mn.us
CC: lisa@mnccc.org, darci@mnccc.org, Sharon4Anderson@aol.com
Sent: 9/24/2010 2:53:43 P.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Fwd: signatures countycanvassSARequestSignature DebHaselmanChrisSamule
To 2nd Judicial District Court Administrator
for file 62cv09-1163(Vandenorth) 62cv10-112(Lindman) apparantly http://www.mnccc.org/ Mark Oswald is either lying on the phone or incompetant in Beta Programs
  • Software release life cycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    "Beta" is the software development phase following alpha, named after the Greek letter beta. It generally begins when the software is feature complete. ...
    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_release_life_cycle - Cached - Similar
  • What is beta software? - Knowledge Base

    Jul 7, 2010 ... You should decide whether the benefit of new features in a beta program outweighs the risk of program instability before choosing to use a ...
    kb.iu.edu/data/agel.html - Cached - Similar
  • Tax - Manatron Tax Group

    2010-2011 Manatron Tax Advisory Committee
    Chair: Charlene Olson, Clearwater County
    Vice Chair: Cheryl Grover, Clearwater County
    Past Chair: Joanne Helm, Washington County
    Recording Officer: Scott Umsted, Rice County

    Representatives serve staggered two-year terms.
    At Large Representative I: Kris Lage, Scott County
    At Large Representative II: Steve Holthaus, Stearns County
    Northern Counties Representative: Dennis Freed, Chisago County
    Southern County Representative: Farley Grunig, Jackson County

    ISSG Liaison (Technical Advisor): Mike Disher, Morrison County
    ISSG Liaison Alternate: David Claxton, Rice County
    MCCC Executive Committee Liaison: Dennis Freed, Chisago County

    Legislative Research Committee Chair: Dennis Freed, Chisago County
    Training Committee Chair: Jill Nolan, Isanti County

    Beta Testing Committee Chair: Chris Samuel, Ramsey County

    Enhancements & Reports Committee Chair: Steve Holthaus, Stearns County

    From: Sharon4Anderson@aol.com
    To: Joseph.Mansky@CO.RAMSEY.MN.US, mark.oswald@co.ramsey.mn.us, Julie.Kleinschmidt@co.ramsey.mn.us, rca@co.ramsey.mn.us, john.vandenorth@courts.state.mn.us, dale.lindman@courts.state.mn.us, bob.fletcher@co.ramsey.mn.us, joseph.mansky@co.ramsey.mn.us, me@glennbeck.com, jasonlewisshow@live.com, chrisbaker@ktlkfm.com, suejeffers@ktlkfm.com, tim@lesmonster.com, brendankearin@ktlkfm.com, elrushbo@eibnet.com, talk@ktlkfm.com, baverill@mndaily.com, eeskola@cbs.com, ddavis@forumcomm.com, hopfen@startribune.com, rstassen-berger@pioneerpress.com, ochsnews@yahoo.com, bbowring@tpt.org, charley.shaw@legal-ledger.com, mlohn@ap.org, jragsdale@pioneerpress.com, ahart@kare11.com, swente@republican-eagle.com, mfischenich@mankatofreepress.com, eeskola@aol.com, tim.budig@ecm-inc.com, ndraper@startribune.com, lmccallum@mpr.org, bsalisbury@pioneerpress.com, pcondon@ap.org, mbrunswick@startribune.com, ntibbetts@mndaily.com, pjkessler@wcco.cbs.com, jcroman@kare11.com, plopez@startribune.com, tscheck@mpr.org, thauser@kstp.com, mlahammer@tpt.org, pdoyle@startribune.com, rrosario@pioneerpress.com, klksnews@yahoo.com, lsturdevant@startribune.com, jayjohnson@postbulletin.com, bbakst@ap.org, dbrewster@startribune.com, tim.pawlenty@state.mn.us, carol.molnau@state.mn.us, steve.sviggum@state.mn.us, dli.commissioner@state.mn.us, general.commerce@state.mn.us, cal.ludeman@state.mn.us, dorweb.comm@state.mn.us, data.center@metc.state.mn.us, webmaster@doc.state.mn.us, webmaster@pca.state.mn.us, deed.customerservice@state.mn.us, dhs.info@state.mn.us, admin.info@state.mn.us, info@dot.state.mn.us, webinfo@mda.state.mn.us, webmaster@mn-arng.ngb.army.mil, alice.seagren@state.mn.us, dan.salomone@state.mn.us, oet.web@state.mn.us, ward.einess@state.mn.us, mhfa@state.mn.us, mdva.webmaster@mdva.state.mn.us, mde.webmaster@state.mn.us, info@dnr.state.mn.us, michael.pugliese@state.mn.us, sanne.magnan@state.mn.us, info@IronRangeResources.org, peter.bell@metc.state.mn.us, glenn.wilson@state.mn.us, michael.campion@state.mn.us, Dps.webmaster@state.mn.us, bruce.gordon@state.mn.us, christie.calvin@state.mn.us, abrede@rochestermn.gov, RichardBrainer@comcast.net, nesshd@wisper-wireless.com, Doug.anderson@cityofdaytonmn.com, jeffmarb@lakedalelink.net, Tbreza@luminet.net, jchattin@ci.bemidji.mn.us, mfulton@coonrapidsmn.gov, lee.helgen@ci.stpaul.mn.us, Betsy.hodges@ci.minneapolis.mn.us, rjohnson@ci.lake-city.mn.us, akauffman@montrose-mn.com, larson2854@aol.com, mollypark@mac.com, lheitke@ci.willmar.mn.us, info@ci.apple-valley.mn.us, mayorwaynewolden@charter.net, dosberg@ci.hastings.mn.us, jyoung@ci.chatfield.mn.us, dmikacev@lmc.org, inhoneck@lmc.org, del.haag@bwig.net, joel.hanson@ci.little-canada.mn.us, mark@princetonmn.org, jmiller@lmc.org, dpeterson@minnetonka.com, toddp@saintpetermn.gov, dreeder@lmc.org, sweiss@lmc.org, lgrundho@lmc.org, cjohnson@lmc.org, lillieontheweb@lillienews.com, tfragnito@lillienews.com, hkoep@lillienews.com, circulation@lillienews.com, review@lillienews.com, mlhagert@lillienews.com, dknutson@lillienews.com, Hwenzel@lillienews.com, hedwards@lillienews.com, news@lillienews.com, pomeara@lillienews.com, wwakefield@lillienews.com, rachel.bryant@manatron.com, chris.coleman@ci.stpaul.mn.us, citizen.service@ci.stpaul.mn.us, CityofSaintPaul@govdelivery.com, jerry.ludden@ci.stpaul.mn.us, mayor@ci.stpaul.mn.us, erin.dady@ci.stpaul.mn.us, ann.mulholland@ci.stpaul.mn.us, Jean.Karpe@ci.stpaul.mn.us, Anne.Hunt@ci.stpaul.mn.us, Vallay.Varro@ci.stpaul.mn.us, Kris.Fredson@ci.stpaul.mn.us, Joe.Spencer@ci.stpaul.mn.us, Darlyne.Morrow@ci.stpaul.mn.us, Chris.Rider@ci.stpaul.mn.us, Melvin.Carter@ci.stpaul.mn.us, Nancy.Homans@ci.stpaul.mn.us, Milyon.Tekle@ci.stpaul.mn.us, Nick.Shuminsky@ci.stpaul.mn.us, Carol.Washington@ci.stpaul.mn.us, Bob.Hume@ci.stpaul.mn.us, Sean.Johnson@ci.stpaul.mn.us, Va-Megn.Thoj@ci.stpaul.mn.us, rway@minnpost.com, sberg@minnpost.com, swaterman@minnpost.com, bhawkins@minnpost.com, dbeal@minnpost.com, brobson@minnpost.com, sjanecek@minnpost.com, info@minnpost.com, mhelms@minnpost.com, ccapecchi@minnpost.com, sschmickle@minnpost.com, rbattle@minnpost.com, jkimball@minnpost.com, dgrow@minnpost.com, minnclips@minnpost.com, jreinan@minnpost.com, ballen@minnpost.com, matt.bostrom@ci.stpaul.mn.us, neil.melton@state.mn.us, john.harrington@ci.stpaul.mn.us, mary.bjornberg@state.mn.us, kwilkening@co.nobles.mn.us, terry.sandbeck@state.mn.us, johnp@alx.tec.mn.us, mitch.lee@state.mn.us, mylan.masson@minneapolis.edu, paul.monteen@state.mn.us, tracey.a.martin@co.hennepin.mn.us, mark.letexier@co.polk.mn.us, john.bolduc@co.crow-wing.mn.us, dan.glass@state.mn.us, brent.richter@state.mn.us, debra.soderbeck@state.mn.us, mdohman@ci.maple-grove.mn.us, sheryl.waddick@state.mn.us, junstad@yahoo.com, carol.j.hall@state.mn.us, mike.ardolf@state.mn.us, bill.martinez@ci.stpaul.mn.us, michael.young@ci.minneapolis.mn.us, peggy.strand@state.mn.us, timbildsoe@visi.com, starr.suggs@state.mn.us, harr@csp.edu, diverson@pioneerpress.com, mhopp@pioneerpress.com, rhubbard@pioneerpress.com, twebb@pioneerpress.com, jforster@pioneerpress.com, jkrocheski@pioneerpress.com, khubbard@pioneerpress.com, aharrington@pioneerpress.com, lsuzukamo@pioneerpress.com, dfondler@pioneerpress.com, chiefclerk@co.ramsey.mn.us, victoria.reinhardt@co.ramsey.mn.us, AskVR@co.ramsey.mn.us, AskHumanServices@co.ramsey.mn.us, asklawlibrarian@co.ramsey.mn.us, askhomesteads@co.ramsey.mn.us, askcorrections@co.ramsey.mn.us, tony.bennett@co.ramsey.mn.us, joe.murphy@co.ramsey.mn.us, jan.parker@co.ramsey.mn.us, sara.merz@co.ramsey.mn.us, donna.hughes@co.ramsey.mn.us, janice.rettman@co.ramsey.mn.us, mark.voerding@co.ramsey.mn.us, nancy.c.larson@co.ramsey.mn.us, toni.carter@co.ramsey.mn.us, jacquelyn.cooper@co.ramsey.mn.us, rafael.e.ortega@co.ramsey.mn.us, ken.iosso@co.ramsey.mn.us, jim.mcdonough@co.ramsey.mn.us, john.cotroneo@co.ramsey.mn.us, joann.ellis@co.ramsey.mn.us, darren.tobolt@co.ramsey.mn.us, lee.mehrkens@co.ramsey.mn.us, askpropertytaxandrecords@co.ramsey.mn.us, askcountyrecorder@co.ramsey.mn.us, elections@co.ramsey.mn.us, michael.fiebiger@co.ramsey.mn.us, examineroftitles@co.ramsey.mn.us, vicki.carvelli@co.ramsey.mn.us, wayne.anderson@co.ramsey.mn.us, nathan.bissonette@co.ramsey.mn.us, mnext-ramsey@umn.edu, info@rchs.com, contacthr@co.ramsey.mn.us, mary.mahoney@co.ramsey.mn.us, ContactRamseyCounty@co.ramsey.mn.us, rcmg@umn.edu, parks@co.ramsey.mn.us, tamarack@co.ramsey.mn.us, askPW@co.ramsey.mn.us, sarah.penman@co.ramsey.mn.us, spcc@co.ramsey.mn.us, asksurveyor@co.ramsey.mn.us, askveteransservice@co.ramsey.mn.us, maria.wetherall@co.ramsey.mn.us, askph@co.ramsey.mn.us, askeh@co.ramsey.mn.us, louann.ryan@co.ramsey.mn.us, monty.martin@co.ramsey.mn.us, matthew.shively@co.ramsey.mn.us, DOR.taxpayeradvocate@state.mn.us, indinctax@state.mn.us, salesuse.tax@state.mn.us, withholding.tax@state.mn.us, minnesotacare.tax@state.mn.us, insurance.taxes@state.mn.us, special.taxes@state.mn.us, businessincome.tax@state.mn.us, mdor.collection@state.mn.us, elections.dept@state.mn.us, secretary.state@state.mn.us, public.information@state.mn.us, direct.access@state.mn.us, authentication.inquiries@state.mn.us, ucc.dept@state.mn.us, dave.thune@ci.stpaul.mn.us, pat.harris@ci.stpaul.mn.us, kathy.lantry@ci.stpaul.mn.us, Lee.Helgen@ci.stpaul.mn.us, dan.bostrom@ci.stpaul.mn.us, russ.stark@ci.stpaul.mn.us, whistleblower@startribune.com, nancyb@startribune.com, salexander@startribune.com, kdesmond@startribune.com, riebedoff@startribune.com, btaylor@startribune.com, crbrown@startribune.com, cdoege@startribune.com, pkasbohm@startribune.com, sgillespie@startribune.com
    CC: askdoj@usdoj.gov, b.todd.jones@usdoj.gov, larry.dease@courts.state.mn.us, lynae.olson@courts.state.mn.us, lynn.moser@ci.stpaul.mn.us, chris.samuels@co.ramsey.mn.us
    Sent: 9/24/2010 12:20:12 P.M. Central Daylight Time
    Subj: Re:signatures countycanvassSARequestSignature DebHaselmanChrisSamule
    Fri. 24thSept2010
    To the Above named: Media,State of MN,All Agencies,Countys,Cities by and thro Elected Officials.
    Specifically Ramsey County Mark Oswald with apparantly (3) Titles of Nobility Director of Elections/Taxes. Complicit with Chris Samuel,Deb Haselman "mockery" of Election and Tax Software Programs re: Title 18s19f51
  • http://cop-corruption-minnesota.blogspot.com/ United States Code: Title 18,1951. Interference with commerce by ...

    (a) Whoever in any way or degree obstructs, delays, or affects commerce or the movement of any article or commodity in commerce, by robbery or extortion or ...
    www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/18/1951.html - Cached
  • United States Code: Title 18,1958. Use of interstate commerce ...

    (a) Whoever travels in or causes another (including the intended victim) to travel in interstate or foreign commerce, or uses or causes another (including ...
    www.law.cornell.edu › TITLE 18PART ICHAPTER 95 - Similar
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation - Civil Rights Statutes

    - 2 visits - Jun 21
    Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 - Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law .... there is no requirement to satisfy the interstate or foreign commerce clause. ...
    www.fbi.gov/hq/cid/civilrights/statutes.htm - Cached - Similar
  • 18 U.S.C. § 1951 : US Code - Section 1951: Interference with ...

    18 U.S.C. § 1951 : US Code - Section 1951: Interference with commerce by ... be fined under this title or imprisoned not more
  • ISSUES: 1. Affiant's complaint that http://www.manatron.com/ and http://www.mnccc.org/ have falsified bank records acting in complicit with Mark Oswald Defendant to complicit with his employees in Ponzi Accounting Schemes. Stealing Cars with disabled plates, taking Homestead Credits, Water Shut Off, Murder of Cpl Jim Anderson, wilful failure to Quiet Titles_____Disparate Impact on Homeowners, Seniors,Disabled for Mark Oswald's pecuniary Gain.
    Affiant suggest to return to ACS Software
    CAD Document Management - AutoEDMS, CAD Document Management Software. ACS provides Engineering Document Management Systems, CAD Document Management and ...
    2. Validity unsigned Documents to extort money's based on Serious,delebrite,major fraud by the City of St.Paul and County of Ramsey.
    3. Affiants Demand Itemized Statements from the City of St.Paul and County of Ramsey re: 62cv09-1163(VAndenorth) 62cv10-112(Lindman) Cop- Corruption-Minnesota - 16 visits - Sep 22
    Nov 5, 2009 ... AFFIDAVIT OF SHARON ANDERSON v IMPEACHMENT OF DFLJUDGE KATHLEEN GEARIN ... have ..... Wuorinen file Forfeiture Cars etc. by Theft, Trespass,Treason ... Sharon4Council: DLJ Management v. City St. Paul A06-2118,Money ...
    cop-corruption-minnesota.blogspot.com/ - Cached - Similar
    3. Affiant's request since Mark Oswald and his secretary Kris kuefler admit that Chris Samuel works for Mark Oswald, Neither knewBeta Testing Committee Chair: Chris Samuel, Ramsey County what "Beta" means and if Samuel is affiliated with www.mnccc.org
    Pursuant to Affiant Write In Candidate Sharon Anderson 4 MNAG, call today to Deb Haselman Supervisor Tax Services at 651-266-2002 Fax 651-266-2022. at 10:13 am as Phone records may reflect.
    WHY a Letter sent thro the US Mails to Sharon Lee Anderson 697 Surrey Av. St.Paul MN 55106-5521 re: with False Information, willful failure to itemize 2008_Balance Due $2,241.26 SUBJECT TO FORFEIT TO STATE OF MINNESOTA IN THE YEAR 2013.
    Unsigned____ Ms Haselman stated she does not have to sign any document. THEREFORE AFFIANT CHARGES RICO CLAIMS of Mail Fraud Wire Fraud, Bank Fraud etc.
    http://www.sharon4anderson.blogspot.com/ scrool to pg (3) Property taxes paid with Constitutional Challege that the City St.Paul cannot Charge Fees/Excessive Consumption based on Theft, Trespass,Treason
    MN Judge Edward Toussaint A09-2031 « Sharon4anderson's Weblog - 2 visits - Aug 20
    Jan 11, 2010 ... Sharon v. Judge Edward Toussaint A09-2031 ... HAS CHIEF JUDGE EDWARD TOUSSAINT VIOLATED HIS OATH V. SHARON SCARRELLA ANDERSON? ... City St. Paul A06-2118,Money LaunderinNo direct un-apportioned tax confirmed by the US ...
    sharon4anderson.wordpress.com/.../mn-judge-edward-toussaint-a09-2031/ - Cached - Similar
    "Taking Clause 5th Amendment"
  • Cop- Corruption-Minnesota: Criminal Charges Joel Essling-Tanya ...

    - 10 visits - Sep 20
    Jun 4, 2007 ... Video Bar. Loading... Cop- Corruption-Minnesota .... Affidavit of Sharon Anderson Candidate Ward (2) Forensic Analyst-Whistleblower ...
    cop-corruption-minnesota.blogspot.com/.../criminal-charges-joel-essling-tanya.html - Cached - Similar
  • Cop- Corruption-Minnesota

    - 16 visits - Sep 22
    Nov 5, 2009 ... Video Bar. Loading... Cop- Corruption-Minnesota ... AFFIDAVIT OF SHARON ANDERSON v IMPEACHMENT OF DFLJUDGE KATHLEEN GEARIN ... have standing ...
    cop-corruption-minnesota.blogspot.com/ - Cached - Similar
  • Code-Corruption: City StPaul vs.SharonScarrellaAnderson_ 697 ...

    - 5 visits - 12/28/09
    Mar 23, 2009 ... Code-Corruption. City St. Paul officials RICO violations v. ... Sharon Anderson: St. Paul, Minnesota, United States: Advocate,Friend, ...
    code-corruption.blogspot.com/.../city-stpaul-vssharonscarrellaanderson.html - Cached
  • Thank You to Joe Mansky for the "Signed" pg 27 (unsigned) published Ramsey County Canvass Report in the 2010 Aug 10th Primary.

    Election Results for 2010

    In a message dated 9/24/2010 9:58:17 A.M. Central Daylight Time, Joseph.Mansky@CO.RAMSEY.MN.US writes:I have attached the signature pages for the county abstract of votes in the 2010 state primary.

    LEGAL NOTICE: /s/Sharon4Anderson@aol.com ECF_P165913Pacersa1299
    telfx: 651-776-5835:
    Attorney ProSe_InFact,Private Attorney General QuiTam Whistleblower, Candidate AG2010
    http://www.sharonagmn2010.blogspot.com/Blogger: www.facebook.com/sharon4anderson www.twitter.com/sharon4anderson Homestead Act of 1862 neopopulism.org - Pro Se Dec Action Litigation Pack Sharon4Anderson Scribd Document's are based on SEC filings, Blogger: Dashboard Home www.slideshare.com/sharonanderson http://www.taxthemax.blogspot.com/ www.sharon4anderson.org

    FAIR USE NOTICEThis site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are makinknowledge gained as financial journalists , securities they recommend to readers, affiliated entities, employees, and agents an initial trade recommendation published on the Internet, after a direct mail publication is sent, before acting on that recommendations, and may contain errors. Investment decisions should not be based solely on these or other Public Office documents expressly forbids its writers from having financial interests in g such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of whistleblower protection issues, MY FindLaw SharonsWritProA06_1150_30Jun06_26
    The CAN-SPAM Act: Requirements for Commercial Emailers
    Sharons-Psychic-Whispers: Sharons Gypsy Curse-Court-Cop Corruption 3Apr0http://www.givemeliberty.org/RTPlawsuit/courtfilings/Docket.htm Sharon4Council: DLJ Management v. City St. Paul A06-2118,Money LaunderinNo direct un-apportioned tax confirmed by the US Supreme Court rulings in CHAS. C. STEWARD MACH. CO. v. DAVIS, 301 U.S. 548, 581-582(1937)
    g andFCC Complaints - http://sharons-copywrite.blogspot.com/

    Sunday, September 19, 2010


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  • Eagledahn@aol.com, eagle@gopusamedia.com, dorrick@pioneerpress.com, atissue@kstp.com, foia@uspsoig.gov, Foxreport@foxnews.com
    Sent: 9/19/2010 1:14:36 P.M. Central Daylight Time
    Subj: BrainerdDispatchMike O'Rourke DisRepub_Sharons19thAmend19Sept2010_90yrs

    Sun. 19Sept2010 HAPPY BIRTHDAY_
    LINDA S. ENO AND HOWARD B. HANSON The Resource Party

    Today 19th amendment has completed its 90 years of approval. Though, United States of America is known in all over the world as synonymous with democracy, ...
    topics.npr.org/article/0eyMbcD9Toe1a - Cached
    Even tho Sharon is a Republican Sharon Supports Linda Eno 4MNGovernor MAIN STREAM MEDIA_BLOGGER UNITE www.blogworld.com Make the Media accountable to ALL Candidates.
    Linda S. Eno, Candidate for Governor of Minnesota

    David Hoch, Linda Eno, and Howard Hanson

    Whitepaper on Party and Platform

    The Resource Party's Platform Planks
    Candidate Profiles
    State Capitol Rally for Candidates and Platform of the Resource Party!

    Attend our Saturday September 25th Rally On The Capitol Steps sponsored by The Hunting and Angling Club.

    Discord with GOP outlined at tea party rally here http://www.brainerddispatch.com/stories/091510/new_20100915044.shtml#mdw-comments
    Tea party organizer George Burton, addressing a smaller than usual tea party crowd Tuesday, criticized Crow Wing County Republicans, claiming

    Click here: Brainerd Dispatch: News Brainerd, Minnesota Brainerd Lakes Area News on brainerddispatch.com#mdw-comments

    Posted by: Sharon4Anderson at Sep. 19, 2010 at 12:28:47 pm

    We the Voters are not 2nd class citizns The Right to Vote for and Hold any Office_Rule of Law must be upheld Compliments to the Courts re Video's http://www.tpt.org/courts/ Sharon did Fantastic has registered Sec.State 4 Write In SharonAnderson 4 MNAG www.sharonagmn2010.blogspot.com Thanks to Tim4Justice Where was wersalforjustice.com at this meeting?
    HOWEVER: www.blogworld.com We are the NEWAGE Journalists to have accountability VOTING If you do not use it then lose it.
    17Sept10 Absentee Voting Started: Sharon's Passion is to abate the "Murder" 10 years ago of her 2nd husband Cpl Jim Anderson who was committed illegally to Brainard Hospital for 1 yr, triggering his DEATH THEREFORE: Write in unopposed Judges either None of the Above or MS609.43 to have standing to UNELECT JUDGES FOR RICO WRONGDOINGS. http://www.slideshare.net/Sharon4Anderson/election-ballots2010
    FURTHER: Please note Sharon Scarrella4Justice 221NW2d562 _Illegally Denied because Sharon was not a Licensed Lawyer_ Sharon Scarrella was the 1st Woman and 1st nonlawyer to run for MN Supreme Court Justice._______Then Perpich appointed Rosalie Wahl 1974 _ then 1982 the

    Candidate NamePartyWebsiteFile Date
    HELEN MEYER Nonpartisan www.helenmeyer.org
    GREG WERSAL Nonpartisan Wersalforjustice.com

    Appellate Court was established_ Bloating the Judicial Branch etc.

    Candidate NamePartyWebsiteFile Date
    ALAN C. PAGE Nonpartisan alanpageforjustice.org
    TIM TINGELSTAD Nonpartisan highesthill.com

    www.sharon4judge.blogspot.com The Reprisals are heinous

    therefore please elect: or Write In your choices

  • 536 F.2d 1207

    - 7 visits - Sep 1
    by Court of Appeals, 8th Circuit - 1976 - Cited by 61 - Related articles
    The appellants in this action are the Reverend Sharon Scarrella, ... 1974); cf. Huffman v. Nebraska Bureau of Vital Statistics, 320 F.Supp. ... A determination by a district judge not to disqualify himself is reviewable by appeal only ...
    ftp.resource.org/courts.gov/c/F2/536/536.F2d.1207.75-1912.html - Cached
  • Sharon_AG_MN2010: Vote Sharon Anderson MN AttorneyGeneral 10Aug10

    Aug 4, 2010 ... Each justice or judge of the United States shall take the following oath ... FROM: Sharon Anderson aka Peterson-Chergosky aka Scarrella ...
    sharonagmn2010.blogspot.com/.../vote-sharon-anderson-mn-attorneygeneral.html - Cached
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    Feb 3, 2010 ... HENDRICKSON, 2007, DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY, 1974, 122139 .... JURIST - Paper Chase: Blagojevich judge refuses to. ... VOTE NO JUDICIAL RETENTION HF224_SF70_ · Disclaimer: Affiant Sharon Scarrella Anderson also. ...
    sharonagmn2010.blogspot.com/.../stpaul-city-attorneys-2007-pay100.html - Cached

    LEGAL NOTICE: /s/Sharon4Anderson@aol.com ECF_P165913Pacersa1299
    telfx: 651-776-5835:
    Attorney ProSe_InFact,Private Attorney General QuiTam Whistleblower, Candidate AG2010 www.sharonagmn2010.blogspot.com Blogger: www.facebook.com/sharon4anderson www.twitter.com/sharon4anderson Homestead Act of 1862 neopopulism.org - Pro Se Dec Action Litigation Pack Sharon4Anderson Scribd Document's are based on SEC filings, Blogger: Dashboard Home www.slideshare.com/sharonanderson www.taxthemax.blogspot.com www.sharon4anderson.org

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    Sharons-Psychic-Whispers: Sharons Gypsy Curse-Court-Cop Corruption 3Apr0http://www.givemeliberty.org/RTPlawsuit/courtfilings/Docket.htm Sharon4Council: DLJ Managment v. City St. Paul A06-2118,Money LaunderinNo direct un-apportioned tax confirmed by the US Supreme Court rulings in CHAS. C. STEWARD MACH. CO. v. DAVIS, 301 U.S. 548, 581-582(1937)
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